The 12 stages of healing
The 12 stages of healing


It’s the full embodiment of self and realization that all parts of self must be included. SRI stage 6 is a preparation into full self, absolutely nothing will ever keep this part separate again and stage 7 is the resolution of separation and a surrender of this part into all of you. SRI stage 5 is merging past the illusion that this part is really separate. No more are you going to not include this part. It’s saying enough of separation of this part of you. It includes SRI stage 4, which is where you declare to include an aspect of self that’s not been included. Transformation is ultimately the refusal to keep any parts of self separate anymore. Lastly SRI stage 3 (stuck in a perspective) is where you realize how you continually resist this part of yourself over and over and over and over again. It’s the experience of “disowning” or rejecting those parts of yourself that you don’t like or can’t be with. In SRI stage 2 (polarities) you are aware that a part of yourself has been separated or disconnected, so you are not in full separation, but you resist this part of yourself.

the 12 stages of healing

When you discover this you realize that you have been living in some level of separation and the experience of that separation or disconnection is suffering. Stage 1 (suffering) is the experience of discovering that you have been disconnected or at least a part of you has been disconnected. Within this season the first 3 stages of SRI are included. Said another way you discover how you have protected yourself from experiencing painful feelings, thoughts and sensations. So what are these seasons and why are they important? The season of Discover is the self- discovery process of becoming aware of how you have kept parts of yourself separate from the whole of you.

the 12 stages of healing

Season of Awaken: SRI stages 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12 Season of Transform: SRI stages 4, 5, 6 & 7 To begin the 3 basic seasons are called Discover, Transform and Awaken. The 12 stages are further grouped into what we call the seasons of well-being in Network Care. Ultimately meaning that the actions you take feel 100% aligned with your feeling and thoughts. This is where SRI can be helpful in bringing to light more of the perceptual consciousness shifts required to make your experience more congruent. There is an incongruence between the actions you are taking and your perceptions of life. For example say that in your life you are behaving in ways that feel congruent to you, like maybe you are exercising or being helpful to others, meditating or eating healthy, but your perceptions (thoughts, emotions, sensations) you don’t really match it. Knowing where you are helps you create more coherence within your experience because you can better align your perceptions to where were are at. So what are the benefits of knowing the 12 stages? Its helpful for many of us to have a roadmap or structure so that we can “know where we are”. Some people may be in 3 different stages in a single day, where others may be in one or two particular stages for years. There is also no defined amount of time to be in a particular stage. Progression through stages is also not linear, meaning you don’t always go from stage 1 to 2 to 3, etc. We all experience all of the stages at different times or rhythms of our lives. No stage is better or worse than another. The idea behind doing the exercises is to more fully “land” or be in the stage that you are in. What is unique to them here is that their are paired somatic “exercise” that go along with each of the 12 stages and corresponds to a level of awareness. Donald Epstein, however these stages of consciousness are universal and you can find them named in many different traditions or schools. This particular structure of the 12 stages of healing was based upon the work of Dr.

the 12 stages of healing

Most of you have heard me talk about the “12 stages of healing.” The 12 stages of healing are what the structure of Somato-respiratory Integration (SRI) is built upon and represent stages of consciousness or awareness that a human experiences on their journey from separation to unity. The stages of healing, transforming & awakening

The 12 stages of healing